@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000058, author = {舛田, 弘子 and MASUDA, Hiroko and 工藤, 与志文 and KUDO, Yoshifumi}, issue = {114}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要, Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究は「目標と評価」の関係にかかわる具体的な場面を設定した調査課題によって,教職課程履修学生の評価についての適切性判断やその根拠を把握し,それらの特徴や問題点,および学習者が講義等を通じて学習した事項の上記の課題解決への適用について理解することを目的に行われた。教育実習未経験の大学生65名が学習者となり,通常の関連する講義を受講した後,調査課題(理解のためには目標の再意味づけを要する)に取り組んだ。結果として,適切な判断および根拠を示した学習者は全体の10%程度であり,また授業の内容を活用していると考えられる学習者は全体の30%程度であった。ここから,評価について適切な判断を行わせるためには,調査課題および先行する授業の改善を要することが明らかとなった。, The purpose of this research was to investigate the appropriateness of judgment for the given evaluation with proper reason and availability of the given course by conducting the problem-solving task to undergraduate students. 65 students in the teacher-training course who were not experienced teachersʼ practice in school were made to solve the task after learning in the usual class. To understand and resolve this task properly, students needed re-meaning of the goals of the text included in the task. The results were as followed: Students who showed appropriate judgement with proper reason were around 10% of all. And students who could activate knowledge given the class prior to the task and could solve it were around 30% of all. To make students appropriate judgement with proper reason, it was suggested that the improvement for the course was needed., Bulletin, 論文, Article}, pages = {47--62}, title = {教職課程履修学生における「評価」の適切性判断 ─ 目標の「再意味づけ」に着目して ─}, year = {2023} }