@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002327, author = {森, 直久 and MORI, Naohisa}, issue = {69}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要, Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Mar}, note = {広島県で起こったある強盗殺人事件の被告人に関して, 弁護士から心理学鑑定を要請された。被告人が容疑を認める発言をした上申書に, 被告人以外の者の手が加えられている可能性について検討してほしいとの内容であった。勾留中に同人がつけていた日記との対照を通じて, 両文書の著者の同一性を吟味することにした。両文書について, 定量的分析と定性的分析を施した。前者はひとつの「文」を構成する文節数の分布の, そして後者は「文体」の比較である。定性的分析の結果, 両文書の文節数の分布は平均で4文節離れており, 分布の重複は20%に過ぎないことが明らかとなった。また「日記」の定性的分析から明らかとなった, 被告人に特徴的な5つの「文体」のうち, 「理由の表現」と「false start文」について両文書間に差異が認められた。残りの三つの文体, 「行為主体の交代の不明示」「表現の反復」「敬語の不適切な使用」には差異が見られなかった, あるいは上申書では用いられていなかった。しかし著者の同一性を支持する証拠も得られなかった。これらの分析結果から, 両文書の作者を同一であるとみなすことの危険性が主張された。, Regarding a robbery and murder case that occurred in Hiroshima Prefecture, the author was requested by a lawyer to examine the possibility that a third person had added to the accused's written statements to authorities in which he admitted to committing the murder. Two kinds of documents - written statements given to police and a "diary" written by the accused while in police custody - were compared and examined both quantitatively and qualitatively to determine whether both had been written by the same author. In the quantitative examination, the two documents were compared in terms of the distribution of the numbers of paragraphs in each text. This examination showed that the difference of the mean numbers of paragraphs was about 4 paragraphs and that the overlapping of the two distributions was as little as 20%. The qualitative examination revealed five kinds of characteristic "styles of writing" in the accused's "diary". In two of the five stylistic features ("explanation style" and "false start sentences"), differences were found between the two kinds of documents. In the remaining three ("invisible turn of the agents", "expressional repetition" and "inappropriate use of honorific words") no differences were detected, although no proof supporting the author's identity was found. The results of these examinations suggest the possibility of third person involvement in the accused's written statements and it cannot be concluded that the author of the two documents is the same., 6, KJ00000180064, 論文, Article}, pages = {13--36}, title = {ある刑事事件の供述資料における作成者同一性の心理学的検討}, year = {2001}, yomi = {モリ, ナオヒサ} }