@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002339, author = {湯本, 誠 and YUMOTO, Makoto}, issue = {70}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要, Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿では, 最近の日本における自殺の急増とその原因について検討している。1998年度において自殺者数と自殺率がともに急増したが, 50代男性の増加が特に著しい。この世代は翌年, 翌々年においても高い自殺率を維持しており, 戦後最高の自殺率を記録している。その原因をこの世代に固有の特徴や模倣に求める見解もみられるが, 人員削減や出向・転籍等の雇用調整に主要な原因が存在するというのが本稿の立場である。雇用調整が大規模に実施された景気後退期には, 必ず自殺率が上昇している。しかし, 失業等にともなう生活苦だけが自殺を生み出すのではない。それとならんで, 社会生活の中心である職場という中間集団の急激な変動やその喪失という要因が重要である。熾烈な競争原理を特徴とする日本型能力主義の徹底が職場社会からの「中高年」層の排除と職場秩序の動揺を, 他方では離婚等の家族社会の動揺を生み出している。こうした中間集団の喪失や動揺が「中高年」層の自殺を促進している。, This paper examines the sudden increase of suicides in recent Japan, and the causes of this increase. In 1998,both the number and the rate of suicides suddenly increased, and the latter rose remarkably among men in their fifties. The extremely high suicide rate for this group was the highest for any group in postwar Japan and was repeated in 1999 and 2000. Although some scholars attribute this increase to characteristics specific to this age group or to the possibility of imitation. I argue that the main cause relates to recent employment adjustments, including dismissals, job relocation, and change of employer. In fact, whenever massive employment adjustments have been carried out during recession, the suicide rate has risen. However, suicides are not caused only by difficulties related directly to work. There is a more important indirect factor : the fact that loss of the workplace means the loss of a place that provides an intermediate group between individual and social action for the middle aged and the elderly. In this long-term recession, companies in Japan have been strengthening the merit system. This tends to exclude the middle-aged and elderly from the workplace and disrupts workplace harmony. Moreover, this often contributes to divorce. Such social isolation constitutes the background of these suicides., 5, KJ00000180076, 論文, Article}, pages = {33--49}, title = {日本型能力主義と「中高年」の苦悩 -自殺の急増とその背景を中心に-}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ユモト, マコト} }