@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002859, author = {奥谷, 浩一}, issue = {103}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要 = Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Feb}, note = {ハイデガーは,1927 年に『存在と時間』の前半を公刊して世界的な名声を得たが,この著作の後半を未完のままに放置したことはよく知られている。そのために,その理由を解明することが後の哲学研究者の課題として残されることになった。この課題にかんして最近,轟孝夫氏が注目すべき見解を発表された。同氏は,ハイデガー自身による自筆原稿の綿密な調査をもとに,この著作が最初から確固とした執筆計画のもとに書かれたのではなくて,フライブルク大学への就職の必要から大急ぎで書き始められ,いったん出版元に送った原稿を手元に戻したうえで大幅に書き改めるなど,錯綜した経緯があったことを明らかにした。そして,この著作が未完に終わった理由は,彼がこの著作で意図した「基礎的存在論」の構想のなかに含まれていた矛盾を次第に自覚し,「存在」についての意味の解明の深化とともに,「現存在」の実存論的分析の必要性を疑問視するようになったことだと指摘された。私はこの主張から多くの教示と示唆を受けている。本論文ではこの主張を踏まえながらも,これとはやや異なった視点から,『存在と時間』が未完成に終わった理由を私なりに検討してみたい。その立脚点は,ハイデガーの思想に存在すると思われる以下のような問題点から,その「存在」と時間の概念を再検討することにある。それらは,存在物と「存在」そのものとを切り離す「存在」概念の虚構性,「根源的時間」に象徴される時間概念の不確定性,そして虚構性の強い「存在」概念と概念的に確定されないままの時間論との結合の仕方の問題などである。, The German philosopher Martin Heidegger earned worldwide fame in 1927 when he published part one of the two major parts of Being and Time(German: Sein und Zeit ). It is a well-known fact that he never published the remaining part of the book. Ever since Heidegger left the book incomplete, other philosophers have been conducting research to figure out why he never finished it. Regarding such research, Takao Todoroki has recently published noteworthy results. Based on his in-depth investigation of an autograph manuscript by Heidigger, Todoroki concluded that Heidegger had not created a solid outline for Being and Time . According to Todoroki, Heidegger did not follow a simple linear path in writing the book. After beginning it hurriedly to gain a position at the University of Freiburg, he sent the finished portion of the book to a publisher and then substantially rewrote it after receiving the original manuscript back from the publisher. Todoroki attributes Heidegger's failure to complete Being and Time to a gradual awareness of the inconsistencies inherent in the concept of fundamental ontology, a concept that Heidegger meant to develop in the book, and to Heidegger's ultimate dubiousness about the need for an existential analysis of being there (German: Dasein ) as he gained a deeper understanding of the meaning of “being”. Todoroki's argument enlightened and inspired me in many ways. In this paper, I give my own analysis of why Being and Time was never completed, from a viewpoint different from Todoroki's but building upon his work. My argument is based on a review of Heidegger's concept of “being and time” in light of the problems that seem to be contained in his thought. These problems include the unreality of the concept of “being(being as such)”, which Heidegger differentiated from “beings(beingness; whatever it is)”; the uncertainty of Heidegger's concept of time, typically that of the concept of primordial time; and the links between the highly unrealistic concept of “being” and the uncertain concept of time., Bulletin, 論文, Article}, pages = {47--72}, title = {ハイデガーの『存在と時間』はなぜ未完に終わったか(1)}, year = {2018} }