@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002943, author = {眞田, 敬介}, issue = {105}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要 = Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Feb}, note = {日本の英語教育に対しては,「話す力」の養成がますます求められている。そのため,それの前提となる英語の発音の仕方や指導法を学ぶ必要性が,学習指導要領や「英語教員養成・教員研修コア・カリキュラム」でも言及されている。しかし,注意すべき発音の方法や指導法への具体的な言及はほとんどなく,英語の音声を扱う授業に委ねられている。そこで本稿は,英語教員養成にかかわる科目の一つとしての英語音声学で何を最低限教えるべきかを,筆者の実践報告を交えつつ考察する。具体的には,「日本語に出てこない,または日本語に既存の発音と混同しがちであるため,日本人英語学習者にとって特に注意を要する」と言えるものを選び,その発音の方法と指導法について具体的に論じる。, This paper aims to consider what English phonetics classes should teach to students, especially to those who are in teacher training curriculum. Those students are reportedly not familiar with the method on how to teach English pronunciations as well as on how to improve their own English pronunciations. Furthermore, English education in Japan has been demanding to further foster students’ skills of speaking English (or what is called “communication skills”), and so English pronunciation is mentioned in the Core Curriculum for English teacher training. Based on these situations, this paper focuses on some English sounds, especially the ones which (i) do not exist in Japanese and (ii) are quite similar to English sounds and thus confusing to Japanese learners of English. I then discuss how we produce those sounds and how to enable the learners to produce the sounds., Bulletin, 論文, Article}, pages = {33--52}, title = {「英語音声学」の授業内容の考察─英語教員養成の観点から─}, year = {2019} }