@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003254, author = {小出, 良幸 and KOIDE, Yoshiyuki}, issue = {112}, journal = {札幌学院大学人文学会紀要, Journal of the Society of Humanities}, month = {Oct}, note = {地球の岩石の多様性形成の素過程において,その材料が出発点となる。だが地球の創成期の5億年間は証拠が少ない。地球の材料と同源と考えられる未分化隕石から地球の創成期を探るために,その全容を整理した。隕石は非常に多様であるが,隕石の母天体が限定され,年代測定から創成期の出来事が整理できることがわかってきた。, “Raw materials” are the stat point in the elementary processes of the formation of the Earth's rock variation. There is little evidence for the Earth's first 0.5 billion years when the Earth was created. We have reviewed the elementary processes by the undifferentiated meteorites which are estimated to be the same source of the Earth's material. Their meteorites are extremely diverse. Nevertheless, the types of their parent bodies are limited. The events during the creation period could arrange from their dating., Bulletin, 論文, Article}, pages = {29--73}, title = {未分化隕石から地球最初の5億年へのアプローチ}, year = {2022} }