@article{oai:sgul.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003306, author = {河合, 直樹}, journal = {札幌学院大学総合研究所紀要 = Proceedings of the Research institute of Sapporo Gakuin University}, month = {Mar}, note = {相互の考えや価値観の違いを資源として新たな語りを共同生成する対話的学習活動が大学生の主体性を高める可能性を明らかにした.主体的かつ協働的な学びのスタイルを大学教育に効果的に導入することが急務とされる一方,必ずしも学生の実情に見合った教育実践が構想されていない.そこで,対話を活動の主軸とする教育実践を具体的に構想・実施し,実践当時は1年次であり現在は4年次である学生に対して回顧的インタビューをおこなった.その結果,場にのみこまれることなく,場そのものや自他の変化を敏感に洞察できる力の獲得を実感し,対話の場の意義や価値を自分の経験に照らして深く理解していることが明らかとなった.そのうえで,互いの異質性を資源として,自己や他者にとっての暗黙の前提を問い直し,新たな気づきへと導かれるプロセスを「まなびほぐし」を援用して考察した.さらに,関係性に埋め込まれた形で立ち現れる主体性は,対話的実践の本質であるとともに,新たなコミュニティの形成要因ともなる可能性を指摘した. An interview conducted with university students who had taken a dialogical seminar showed positive changes in their attitudes concerning what was happening in their daily lives and what had occurred in the seminar. The author conducted a sequential dialogue-based seminar in which students were required to reflect on what they thought, felt, and realized through the dialogical process. Three years after the seminar, the author conducted a semi-structured interview with some of the students, asking retrospectively what they thought was impressive, important, and meaningful in the seminar and what effect the seminar had had on their way of thinking. The interview clarified that they had deeply understood the essence of dialogue and remained cautiously aware of the communication processes they experienced in their daily lives, realizing the positive nature of dialogue. A way of learning aimed at deconstructing and reconstructing tacit assumptions of learners so that they are led to find a more important concept called ‘unlearning’ was considered to show the educational effects of dialogical practices theoretically. The discussion concluded by suggesting that dialogical practices could create a new community that encourages relational learning, whereby community members deepen dialogical inquiry into human processes., Bulletin, 教養教育, Liberal Arts, 論文}, pages = {23--34}, title = {対話ベースの大学教育による主体性創出 ─学生への回顧的インタビューによる検討─}, volume = {10}, year = {2023} }